Irina Sokolova
Management and scientific support of proposals on natural resources in the framework of the working programme H2020;
Support of the third party EA UAG (edition and translating information and documents) -
INTRAW, Kindra, CHPM2030, Unexmin, Infact within the territory of Ukraine.
CRM base in Ukraine & the possibilities of Ukraine-EU cooperation by the cluster approach
State Commission for Expertise of Geology of Projects and Cost (Geolexpertize, in Ukrainian language)
The procedure for obtaining a license (Method, in Ukrainian language)
Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment" 18.12.2017 (in Ukrainian language)
The Steps towards the Realization of «Circular Economy» and the Creation of a Close Loop of Mineral Supply to the European Union (in Ukrainian language)
Innovation Cluster in the Area of Education as a Priority Direction of Development of Industry of Ukraine (in Ukrainian language)
Creation of a Positive Investment Climate in the Area of Consumption in Cornformity with International Standards (in Ukrainian language)
"High-perspective oil-and-gas bearing region in Azerbaijan onshore" (1998);
- Co-director CRDF Grant Award AZG1-BA2-2618 (2004-2006)- Sequence-stratigraphic analysis and petroleum potential of the Maikop series, Azerbaijan;
- Participant project GIA, University of Utah and BP (2006-2008) "Geochemistry and petroleum characteristics of Paleocene-Eocene deposits in Eastern Azerbaijan";
- Co-director CRDF Grant Award (2007-2009) - Regional Correlation of the Maikop Series in Azerbaijan: Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential