Talat N. Kengerli
- "Tektonins of Central Greater Caucasus"- DARIUS News, 2011, No2 (Co-authors: Dj.Mosar, I.P.Gamkrelidze, N.L.Enna).
- Subduction, obduction and collision in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), new insights. Geological Society, Special Publication No.340. London, 2010. p. 329-352. (Co-authors: Sosson M., Rolland Y., Muller C., Danelian T., Melcinyan R., Kekelia S., Adamia S., Babazadeh V., Avagyan A., Galoyan G., Mosar J.).
- Cenozoic-Recent tectonics and uplift in the Greater Caucasus: a perspective from Azerbaijan. Geological Society, Special Publication No.340. London, 2010. p. 261-280. (Co-authors: Mosar L., Bochut M., Glasmacher U., Rast A., Brunet M-F., Sosson M.).
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