Kaulir K.Chatterjee
- Repertory of Uses of Metals, Minerals and Rocks (under review)
- Minerals, Mines and Environment in Human life: National Book Trust, 2012 (under publication)
Technical papers
- "Changing Trend of Mineral Development and Role of Geoscientist", Proceedings of the International Conference on New paradigms of Exploratiopn and Sustainable mineral Development: Vision 2050, Indian geological Congress & Indian School of Mines; 2011
- "From Exploration to Resource Evaluation - System and Approach in India:, National Seminar on Evaluation of Mineral Resources of India, March 2-4,2006; South Asian Association of Economic Geologists and the Department of Geology of Andhra University
- Technical auditing of the Mining Plan given in the DPR of the Malanjkhand Underground Copper Mining Project (India), 2011
- Technical auditing of the estimation and classification of resources under JORC system in the Malanjkhand Underground Copper Mining Project (India), 2011
please see complete liste here: publications, projects