Malahat Afandiyeva
Grant award
- Proceedings of competition of specialists of the Baku State University and Amoco "Oil and Azerbaijan Future" - certificate and the first prize for the report
"High-perspective oil-and-gas bearing region in Azerbaijan onshore" (1998);
- Co-director CRDF Grant Award AZG1-BA2-2618 (2004-2006)- Sequence-stratigraphic analysis and petroleum potential of the Maikop series, Azerbaijan;
- Participant project GIA, University of Utah and BP (2006-2008) "Geochemistry and petroleum characteristics of Paleocene-Eocene deposits in Eastern Azerbaijan";
- Co-director CRDF Grant Award (2007-2009) - Regional Correlation of the Maikop Series in Azerbaijan: Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential