Urkarsh Akhouri

Axel Sjoeqvist finished his bachelor studies in 2011 at the University of Gothenburg. He is engaged in masterstudies (Master Thesis in Earth Sciences (60 hec): "The Norra Kärr Alkaline Complex") and Electron Beam Microanalysis (PhD course). He has experience as a geologist in analytics at Minalyze AB, is junior expert with European Rare Earth Competency Network (ERECON) European Rare Earth Competency Network (ERECON), also Chief Analytics Officer and Chairman of the board Vanguard Minerals AB. From 2009 on he is teaching assistant at the University of Gothenburg.

His main academic interest lies in petrology, the science of how rocks are formed. Axel Sjoeqvist has special interest in alkaline igneous rocks, which are characterised by exotic chemistry and mineralogy. Apart from providing information about the interior and dynamics of the Earth, these rocks are of special importance as potential resources of special metals, such as beryllium, niobium, tantalum, and the rare ? earth elements.

He is a native speaker in Dutch and Swedish language, has excellent command of English and basic knowledge in German

Scientific publications:
Sjöqvist, A.S.L., Leijd, M., Jonsson, E. and Andersson, U.B., 2013. The Norra Kärr REE Zr Project. In: SGU (Geological Survey of Sweden), 12th Biennial SGA meeting Excursion Guidebook: SWE3. The Norra Kärr REE-Zr project and the birthplace of light REEs. Uppsala, Sweden 12-15 August 2013. Uppsala: Geological Survey of Sweden.
Sjöqvist, A.S.L., Cornell, D.H., Andersen, T., Erambert, M., Ek, M. and Leijd, M., 2013. Three Compositional Varieties of Rare-Earth Element Ore: Eudialyte-Group Minerals from the Norra Kärr Alkaline Complex, Southern Sweden. Minerals, 3(1), pp.94-­?120.
