Malahat Afandiyeva

Malahat Afandiyeva completed her Biology Faculty Institute Azerbaijan Teacher Training in 1981. From 1986-1991 she was PhD-student of AzNIPIneft. In 2000 she obtained her Doctorate at Geology Institute Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in Geological Sciences.

She is currently a leading scientific worker in the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in the Department of Oil and Gas Geology and Geochemistry".

She took part in the competition of specialists of the Baku State University and Amoco "Oil and Azerbaijan Future" certificate, where she received the first prize for the report "High-perspective oil-and-gas bearing region in Azerbaijan onshore". Co-director of the CRDF Grant Award AZG1-BA2-2618 (2004-2006)- Sequence-stratigraphic analysis and petroleum potential of the Maikop series, Azerbaijan; Participant in project GIA, University of Utah and BP (2006-2008) "Geochemistry and petroleum characteristics of Paleocene-Eocene deposits in Eastern Azerbaijan"; Co-director CRDF Grant Award AZG2-BA07- 2881 (2007-2009) - Regional Correlation of the Maikop Series in Azerbaijan: Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential.

She is the author of over 90 papers in both conference proceedings and peer-reviewed journals and is the author of a book (in Russian).
